Mike came to the Death City after an accidental death. In order to return to the living world, he made a bet with the God of Death to find out what the God was afraid of within time limit. Otherwise, he has to stay and work for the God. Fat ghost Pakson told Mike that a legendary powerful weapon could defeat the God was stored in a well-guarded temple. They came to a dark and gloomy room and saw a creepy red light coming out of a cage……

Can Mike return to the living world?

麥克因一次意外死亡來到枉死之都。為了重返人間, 他跟死神王打賭在時限內找出王最害怕之物, 否則便要留下來為王工作。在肥幽靈柏臣幫助下, 麥得知傳說中可以打敗王的神器藏在守衛深嚴的神殿裏。二人幾經辛苦來到陰森之地, 四周一片漆黑, 嚇見籠內出現令人毛骨悚然的紅光……


innovation is infinite.